
Showing posts from 2023

Advanced Tests in the Revised Action Model

In  start-of-new-action-model-for-age-in.html  we have TN = 6 + Value/2 as method for balancing a target number and the value (or MP) of a spell or action. How can we use that in redesigning advanced tests? An advanced test in AGE is when the results of more than one roll added together in a sequence. These are used when a test maybe taken over a period of time. Something like scaling a mountain may be implemented as several tests rather than just one but harder test. The current rules use the stunt die as the value you are adding together. A single 1d6 has a value of 3.5, but is that more like damage or more like increment TN? I think it better fits the TN description. Additionally if you think about the the lower bound of TN 6, adding the stunt die basically gets you to the standard TN 10 action anyway. Let's use the definition that for an advanced test you are adding the stunt die and getting sum of those particular TNs. That leave a 2d6 base die plus 1d6 stunt die. Thinkin...

A Foundation for Talents and Specializations

Talents (and specializations) in AGE need some work. They do not have a discernable formula between requirements and ranks (novice, expert, master, etc) and each benefit value. Starting off from  start-of-new-action-model-for-age  definition of actions and TN design, we can build a pattern for talents and specializations. Talents, Target Numbers, and Requirements A talent will generally be a new action or a bonus to an existing action. For a talent with a bonus we propose that the bonus is based on  stat-equivalencies  and that these raise the TN of the base action. The amount of equivalent TN the bonus adds is the requirement. If a talent does not add a bonus and instead just another action then no bonus is required nor a requirement. The requirement can use an ability score or a focus or both. Use the total as the TN bonus being applied to the talent. One ability and one focus would equal a bonus TN of 3 Talent Advancement Talents have at least three tiers or ranks...

Stat Equivalencies in Fantasy AGE for Spell or Action Design

 The following are equivalent and can be used to convert between each other. 1 MP (mana point) 2 SP (stunt point) 2 TN (target number) (Note: this is used incrementally and is not the base) 4 HP (health point) 1 minor action 0.5 major action 10 yards (measure of distance) All of those equivalencies can be worked out using basic action and stunts. 1 MP = 2 SP, from Skillful Casting stunt 2 SP = 2 TN, from Powerful Casting stunt 2 SP = 4 HP, from Healing Power stunt 0.5 major action = 2 TN, from Defend major action 1 minor action = 0.5 major action, comparing move versus run 1 minor action = 10 yards, using move with zero stats or ancestry is 10 1 major action = TN 10 at 2 MP using Healing Touch (2MP) which is 2d6 1 major action = 4SP, from Healing Touch being average 7HP which divided by two and rounded up for SP cost is 3.5 => 4SP 1 minor action = 2SP, from 1 minor action = 0.5 major action The minor action here is a little stronger than many of the minors actions in the rules. ...

Start of a New Action Model for AGE in 2024

 I have taken a data approach to reverse engineering the AGE action model in two articles so far: I learned some valuable lessons but afterwards I wasn't happy with the formulas fundamentally.  Why is the TN base a 9? Why use an MP to TN ratio of 3.5 to 2, or 1.75 to 1? TLDR; Summary 2HP = 1SP added to the equivalency formulas. This will keep the Mighty Blow stunt at a cost of 2SP, but will reduce Lethal Blow stunt to 4SP and allow a new stunt, let's call it Crushing Blow, at a cost of 6SP Using TN 10/2MP/2d6 basic spell we can count backwards to find a new base TN for a spell. This turns out to be TN 6 since you take away 4 TN = 4SP = 2MP worth of value The Reasoning  My solution ended up questioning the usefulness of MP as a resource. I have been looking into Fortune in Fantasy AGE and it as a resource matches 1 to 1...

"Push Your Luck" - Fantasy AGE Luck (Fortune) and Spell Push

I have been researching the math behind fortune and have found that the new luck and spell push are basically the same mechanic. As a result we can craft a unified mechanic that allows any player to spend a resource to ensure their action succeeds. This address the problem of a "miss" feeling bad in TTRPG play and creating decent trade off of short term success versus long term penalty. TLDR; Summary Combine fortune based "luck" and spell push into the same mechanic for all characters call it "Push Your Luck" player is allowed to replace one die with a new face for the cost of the new die face for example, if you roll a 1 and want at least a 3 to succeed, then you pay a cost of 3 for the new die face value stunts are not allowed since this was initially a failed roll. choose an appropriate resource pool to spend from Modern AGE Master book on page 47 has fortune as an independent resource. This is probably the easiest way to implement fortune even for Fant...

Decoding the AGE Action Economy

We now have a number of clues to start understanding the AGE system and go beyond "major" and "minor" actions. In the current rules it is not clear how much value these provide as you could go from "Charge" which adds a +1 on a potential 3d6 attack to "Heal" which is baseline 1d6 value. Clues MP to SP to 1d6 Relationship As discovered in we can safely say that 1MP equals 1d6 value as well as 2SP equals 1MP. The spells descriptions and basic combat/spell stunts lead us to that conclusion. Given those measurements a "Melee Attack" major action can range from all the different melee weapons so from 1d6-1 to 3d6. This would be equivalent to about 1 to 3 MP or 2 to 6 SP. Move/Run In the blog post we also determined that 1MP equals 10 yards of movement. This matches the move action and thus we can say a minor action would be equal to 1MP or 2SP. Looking at r...

Decoding MP from Spell Descriptions

  On the heels of the last post, I used the data and attempt some multiple linear regression. It was rough, but I found something to start from. I only used 44 of the easier spells to decipher, mostly damage spells. There are a lot of spell effects that I would have to put a lot of opinion into their numerical values so instead of opinion I just cut them from the analysis. I ended up with three basic parameters that one can use to ball park home brew your own spells decently close to rules as written. The Simple MP Guide for Homebrew Spells Every d6 of damage or healing or direct value costs 1MP (1d6 = 1MP, 2d6 = 2MP, 3d6 = 3MP) if there is a +1 or +2 type of effect round up to 3.5 for 1MP cost Every 10 yards of range costs 1MP (round up to nearest multiple of 10) Every 10 yards of area of effect range costs 1 MP for spells defined with radius the range is the radius for spells defined with rectangl...

Idea - Item Advancements

 Good question over on Reddit - Here is my comment. Came up with a decent framework for incorporating items into an overall character advancement plan. Items are definitely quietly supported in AGE. A decent amount of focus on weapon equipment and styles, but little on modifiers on those weapons. I went through the AGE books (even ModernAGE Threefold as that has a lot of things that made it into FAGE 2e). I found that the FAGE Campaign Builders Guide Chapter Six on Rewards is the most helpful. On page 77 it has an example campaign called "The Horde of the Dark Temple" with its magic item intentions. The guide splits a campaign into five groups much like adversary threat. Level 1-4 magic items are limited to story focused common trinket (to be later empowered). Level 5-8 magic items are intended to have 3-4 permanent magic items per character. The example ends there and does not go into plans for the...

Homebrew Review - Revenant Fantasy AGE Rules Tweaks

  Revenant on the "Green Ronin AGE Appropriate Discord" Discord server posted a short list of their rule tweaks. I wanted to discuss and comment to continue the evolution of better AGE rules. Some of the words are taken directly from the document. Others are paraphrased. Attributes and Ancestry Characters automatically begin with all their ancestral ability bonuses factored into their character’s attributes. Because of the racial ability bonuses, starting characters receive only 10 attribute points. Remove the attribute bonuses from the ancestral tables, allow the players to pick two from the table. I like the spirit of this quite a bit. Personally I don't understand the draw of a randomly generated character and I think this is a good compromise to get background stats. One can actually just use roll table as it has an average of about 10 total and add the ancestry modifiers. I would actually recommend the 10 stat ability array from

Decoding Mana Point and Target Number Relationship

I took another try at figuring a formula for spells in Fantasy AGE with the release of the second edition. Recently I came to a new idea (to me) that there might be a linear relationship between TN and MP and not TN times MP equals Value. This allowed me to start from the beginning again with this analysis as the former model requires more advanced math and never scaled the way leveling does. Calculating TN from MP The above chart plots all 161 spells in the Fantasy AGE 2nd edition rule book. What is new to me is that I used to plot this with reversed axes and the line of best fit never interpreted favorably. If we flip the axes so MP is the input variable and TN is the output, it works much better for me. So with some round numbers I think a good way to summarize a suggested AGE TN is the following: Target Number = 0.5 * MP + 9 The factor of 0.5 is supported by the stunt point cost of "Skillful Casting" which is 2 points per MP reduction, as well as the 1 stunt point cost pe...

Fantasy AGE - Talents Overview

Talents and specializations are roughly interchangeable with specializations have more unique actions and talents having bonuses. The differences in power may be attributable to their requirements but largely feels like random numbers. Additionally I will categorize them into one of the three pillars of TTRPG (combat, social, exploration) as explored by Fantasy AGE and their categories of stunts. Talents By Class Any Alchemical Explosives Animal Training Carousing Chirurgy Contacts Draak Secrets Dwarven Secrets Elven Secrets Gnome Secrets Goblin Secrets Great Endurance Halfling Secrets Human Secrets Inspire Linguistics Lore Mighty Thews Oratory Orc Secrets Performance Quick Reflexes Unarmed Style Weapon Training Envoy None Envoy or Rogue Intrigue Envoy or Warrior Command Mage Arcane Training Rogue Observation Scouting Thievery Rogue or Warrior Archery Style Dual Weapon Style Firearms Style Mixed Weapon Style Single Weapon Style Thrown Weapon Style Warrior Armor Training Mounted Combat ...

Fantasy AGE - Weapons Overview

Navigating weapons in Fantasy AGE can be a bit tricky. Here are a few lists to help out. Weapon Groups and Ancestry Dwarf - Axes Elf - Bows Goblin - Light Blades Orc - Bludgeons Wildfolk - Brawling As noted in Goblin Light Blades Experiment picking an ancestry benefit that matches with a class starting weapon group choice is quite good as the double weapon group instead is a focus for that weapon group. Gets you ahead in useful advancements. Weapon Groups and Classes Envoy Black Powder Bludgeons Bows Brawling Heavy Blades Light Blades Slings Spears Mage Brawling Staves Rogue Light Blades Staves Black Powder Brawling Dueling Warrior Brawling Axes Black Powder Bludgeons Bows Dueling Heavy Blades Lances Light Blades Polearms Slings Spears Staves Weapon Talents - All Classes Unarmed Style Reqs - None Novice - removal of unarmed damage penalty 1d3 to 1d6, or bonus if you had 1d6 already (ie natural weapons from wildfolk). Also may add Strength instead of perception as damage. Expert - 1SP ...

Fantasy AGE 2e Character Creation - Light Blades Damage

Step One - Create a character concept While the rule book suggests creating a concept before going into the meat of class and ancestry, I would suggest you at least pick which class and ancestry is part of the concept. Knowing what your class is focused on and what benefits you might pick should influence how your starting ability scores are determined. My character concept here is an experiment in how much of a light blades beast we can create with the goblin talents and mixed weapon, dual weapon, throwing weapon, great hunter aspect warrior talents. Goblin Rogue/Warrior Step Two - Ability Scores Derived from my blog post on starting abilities , using a standard array for a total of 13 abilities. I am choosing to put 2 points into Intelligence for the level 10 "Lethality" bonus. Sure a bit far away but why not set myself up for it. P rimary 3 Accuracy 0 Communication 1 Dexterity 3 Perception Secondary 2 Constitution 1 Fighting 1 Intelligence 0 Strength 2 Willpower Notes I en...

Adventure Game Engine - Stunt Die and Advanced Tests

Although related to stunt points, the stunt die is the base of that system. Stunt points could be seen as stunt die doubles, which implies there could be stunt die triple perhaps theoretically. We will stick to stunt die and how it works with advanced tests. Stunt Die Fundamentals Here is the a graph of average stunt die result as compared to different TN values. The stunt die has the counter-intuitive pattern of higher results being more likely with success which is a result of that higher number contributing more significantly to the success itself  As the TN increases the overall average goes down, but the stunt die result on a success goes up. That's the un-intuitive part. Some key data from those curves are the TN 11 values. TN 11 Overall Average - 2.15 TN 11 Success Average - 4.31 With those values we can start looking at pacing for advanced tests which take the sum of stunt die results over a number of rolls. Advanced Tests These type of tests represent longer tests over tim...

Converting Dungeon and Dragons Modifiers to AGE Ability Scores

Use this chart to convert between Dungeon and Dragons ability modifiers and AGE ability scores. Since each system uses different dice and those dice affect tests we need to compare then with their change to succeed. You can see that the 50% lines up with both systems with TN11 which is why I centered the table that way. Both raw D20 and 3d6 rolls are included as that is the base comparison. Then we can calculated the modifiers for each: DnD is "=ROUNDDOWN(F5/2,0)-5" AGE is ""=G5-11" The mapping between the two systems isn't a one to one relationship because DnD has extra rows as compared to AGE. We need to look up both directions matching against the percentage to get the best results going both ways. You can see it does matter that DnD does a divide by two as there are several rolls that match better with the lower versus the higher. The only massaging needed is to round the AGE% to the nearest multiple of 5 percent. This is done since 95.4% and 4.6% are c...