Advanced Tests in the Revised Action Model

In start-of-new-action-model-for-age-in.html we have TN = 6 + Value/2 as method for balancing a target number and the value (or MP) of a spell or action. How can we use that in redesigning advanced tests?

An advanced test in AGE is when the results of more than one roll added together in a sequence. These are used when a test maybe taken over a period of time. Something like scaling a mountain may be implemented as several tests rather than just one but harder test. The current rules use the stunt die as the value you are adding together. A single 1d6 has a value of 3.5, but is that more like damage or more like increment TN? I think it better fits the TN description. Additionally if you think about the the lower bound of TN 6, adding the stunt die basically gets you to the standard TN 10 action anyway.

Let's use the definition that for an advanced test you are adding the stunt die and getting sum of those particular TNs. That leave a 2d6 base die plus 1d6 stunt die. Thinking about it this way, maybe the stunt die would be better as called an action die. The revised action model had a budget of about 4 TN above the base of six. Instead we could make the base 7 (which is the average of 2d6) and then action die of an average of 3.5. Assuming successes we are adding up that action die.

Pace is something to consider. Assuming success isn't useful for pace. The safest assumption is 50% success which is the base TN 11 and on average takes two rolls per success. Designing an advanced test that requires 3 success will have a threshold of 11 (3*3.5=10.5, round up) and will on average take 6 rolls. Looking at a TN9 (only a focus) with 74% chance success, the same 3 success threshold of 11 takes on average 4 rolls to make. I will make a follow up post with a table of success modifier versus advanced threshold.

In conclusion, taking a look at advanced tests has made the revised action model even better. It always seemed that simple tests and advanced tests should be related. Having a based TN of 7 is much easier to explain as the average of the non stunt dice. Standardizing around TN 10 with a value of 8 did not come from the dice and was kind of arbitrary. This will be very helpful in reframing spells and actions for the rest of the system.


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