Precise Table of Advanced Tests

Advanced tests are not advanced enough. The best case is that there are a few rules of thumb in the rule book but they do not take into account a number of critical factors. First factor is the absence of "difficulty" related to the target number and only relying on threshold to convey loose adjective of difficulty. "Average" and "Formidable" are not sufficient and instead target numbers and number or rolls or rounds needs to be established. Second factor is the suggestion that for each roll in an advanced test that you can design about 3 degrees of success. This is inaccurate as explained in a previous blog post - adventure-game-engine-stunt-die-and-advanced-tests . Due to the correlation between overall success and the stunt die you get smaller average successes with easy tests and larger average successes with hard tests. This is offset a bit as the hard tests fail more often. However the rules prescribe the number 3 regardless of target number. A TN 9 ...