Decoding the AGE Action Economy
We now have a number of clues to start understanding the AGE system and go beyond "major" and "minor" actions. In the current rules it is not clear how much value these provide as you could go from "Charge" which adds a +1 on a potential 3d6 attack to "Heal" which is baseline 1d6 value. Clues MP to SP to 1d6 Relationship As discovered in we can safely say that 1MP equals 1d6 value as well as 2SP equals 1MP. The spells descriptions and basic combat/spell stunts lead us to that conclusion. Given those measurements a "Melee Attack" major action can range from all the different melee weapons so from 1d6-1 to 3d6. This would be equivalent to about 1 to 3 MP or 2 to 6 SP. Move/Run In the blog post we also determined that 1MP equals 10 yards of movement. This matches the move action and thus we can say a minor action would be equal to 1MP or 2SP. Looking at r...